Outdated SCAO Forms No Longer Accepted
Our court has noticed an increase in the submission of outdated SCAO forms after the mandatory use date set by SCAO. Unfortunately, when these outdated forms are submitted for filing, they cannot be accepted for filing and a rejection notice is issued and sent to the filer (or attorney appearing on behalf of the filer).
Resubmissions of pleadings also must be double-checked to make sure the forms being used are not outdated as of the resubmission date. The forms accessed through the court’s website, www.wcpc.us, are pulled directly from SCAO and are the currently published forms that should be used. More information about recently revised court forms as well as information about upcoming court form changes can be found through Michigan’s One Court of Justice website at: Forms (michigan.gov).
Jennifer Parmalee
Chief Deputy Probate Register
Wayne County Probate Court